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The name of this organization shall be the Austin Civic Wind Ensemble.

The object of the Austin Civic Wind Ensemble shall be to provide a quality musical experience for amateur musicians in the Austin area.

ARTICLE III: Membership
Membership shall consist of interested musicians high school age and older.

ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 1
Elected officers of the Ensemble shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity Chairman. Appointed officers of the Ensemble shall be as follows: Librarian, Equipment Manager, and Historian.
Section 2
Elected officers shall be elected annually, and appointed officers shall be appointed by the elected officers.

ARTICLE V: Conductor
Section 1
The Conductor shall be appointed or dismissed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
A special election may be called to consider reversing an action by the Board regarding the appointment or dismissal of the Conductor (ARTICLE IX).

ARTICLE VI: Meetings
There shall be three classifications of meetings: business, musical, and officers'. Business and officers' meetings are to be held at the discretion of the President. Musical meetings are to be scheduled by the Conductor.

ARTICLE VII: Board of Directors
The officers shall comprise the Board of Directors, whose function is to set policy for the ensemble.

This constitution may be amended by special election (ARTICLE IX).

ARTICLE IX: Special Elections
Section 1
A special election must be called in order to amend this constitution (ARTICLE VIII) or to consider reversing Board action involving the appointment or dismissal of the Conductor (ARTICLE V, Section 2).
Section 2
Special elections may be called either by the Board of Directors, or by a petition that contains the signatures of at least 3/5 of the members in good standing.
Section 3
After a special meeting has been called, an announcement shall be mailed to all members in good standing, postmarked not less than fourteen days before the special election. Members who are unable to attend the election will be extended the opportunity to vote by absentee ballot.
Section 4
A two-thirds majority vote of the membership in good standing at the time the announcements are mailed is required for passage of an amendment, or to reverse the action of the Board under consideration.